Celebrity Caricatures
Governor Hickenlooper’s 65th

Todrick Hall’s Birthday cake

Yvie Oddly Birthday cake

Farrah Fawcett Poster cake


Janis Joplin birthday cake

John Jones UFC cake

Alice Cooper graduation cake

Marilyn Manson Cake

Star Trek birthday cake

Pope cake

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas birthday cake

Diana Ross cake

Hot flashes birthday cake

Benjamin Franklin cake

Nina Flowers birthday cake

DeMarcio’s Cut with a Bang cake

Obama Cake

Surfing Obama cake

Janis Joplin birthday cake!

Anderson Cooper birthday cake!

Obi-Wan Kenobi birthday cake

Cher and Celine Dion cake

Jesus on the cross Easter cake

DeMarcio’s Pride 2016 cake!

Donald Trump Wall cake
Hillary Clinton Pantsuit cake!
Rydell High cake